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Everything brand all in one place

Everything brand all in one place

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Having a single source of truth where you have access to everything brand all in one place is a core component of digital asset management.

Your single source of truth

But it’s not just about having access, it’s also about retaining control over your marketing, ensuring that the correct and approved content is used. A Digital Asset Management (DAM) system is an online solution and acts as a single source of truth and primary reference for your all of your marketing assets. It acts as a gatekeeper to all content, making it easy to manage usage and reduce compliance risks, while saving you time.

single source of marketing assets

We all want to get maximum mileage out of our content, pushing it to the far corners of the digital realm. But with so many images, videos and files flying around, managing, monitoring and tracking usage of assets is difficult and updating creative can be overwhelming for all marketers.

Here are three benefits of having a dynamic digital library where your staff can access everything all in one place:

#1. Removing the shared drive roadblock

To store assets and files, many marketers rely on their company’s shared drives and/or a drop box. For those who store their archives in the depths of the company’s shared drive, these files often become too hard to find and are sometimes outdated. In some cases, these pieces are never found by staff, let alone third party agencies and therefore have to be re-created. As you shift your capabilities to remote working or operating from multiple geographic locations, using various systems that are difficult to navigate can cause roadblocks for your team.

To remove these barriers of access and end the re-creation of assets, we suggest considering a single source solution by introducing a digital storage approach.

#2. Using metadata & tagging to find branded assets

Digital Asset Management system not only allows you to easily search for and find assets through the use of metadata and tagging, but it allows you to manage these files through version control and alerts by providing access to the content in the way that you need.

Brand Assets

#3. Share & embed digital assets publicly

When files shared directly from IntelligenceBank, they can be used in websites or inserted into EDMs, simply by sharing and embedding links. You no longer need to download assets from IntelligenceBank to upload them to other platforms, especially with on the fly transformations, allowing you to add custom parameters where required. In many cases where expensive creative licenses were used by marketing to re-size, compress and edit assets – this can now be achieved from within the DAM

Share & embed digital assets publicly

For those marketing teams who are not yet armed with an online digital asset management solution and are grappling with the fallout of not having everything in one place, we would be happy to host a demonstration. Please feel free to connect online or over the phone

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