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Manage your documents, forms and workflows online

DAM Demo Masthead 2023 V1 Desktop
KM Document Management Browser 2024 815x380

Online document management advanced search

Upload any file type, one at a time or in bulk. Manage versions, read files online, set review dates, make comments and add watermarks.

Search titles, description, document contents, automatically extracted metadata, and universal custom metadata.

Customizable databases

Anything you would normally manage in a spreadsheet can now be managed online in our customizable databases. Run reports, export and add files to records.

Get an instant ROI and see how your platform is used in real-time. Our granular audit trail reports on everything that happens, by user, by file and overall.

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KM Approvals Browser 1 2024 815x380

Email links, workflow & approvals

Automatically be notified when new information or new versions are available. You can also email links from files or folders to both registered and external users.

Collaborate faster with download approvals, publish approvals and general feedback on any file or data. Track history of digital sign off in a dedicated approvals area.

Project calendar & planner

Help your team keep track of campaigns, due dates and projects. Create different calendars for each project, track event RSVPs and link your calendar to other items within your IntelligenceBank platform.

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KM Kanban BrowserKM Documents Browser 2024 815x380

Easy to manage people & projects

A full list of all users of your platform, with contact information and photos.

Self-registered users can be granted limited or full access, which is specified by you, and you can force the acceptance of your T&C’s prior to entering your platform. This is ideal for sharing knowledge with third parties.

Use cases & additional features

Data rooms

Securely share files with the people you want, all in one place. Granular permissions, watermarks and a detailed audit trail provide additional assurance when you share sensitive information.

Customer Insights

Manage, share and measure your customer insights. Automatically alert your team when new data is available and integrate third party resources in a single, easy to use platform. Create custom pages to showcase customer segments and key themes.

Case Management

Legal departments love our case management applications, whereby each case can be tracked, actions can be assigned and linked to related documentation. Granular permissions mean people only see cases relevant to them.

Client Portal

Keep track of customer contacts, proposals, work products, invoices and contracts. With granular permissions, give your customer access to your shared information and collaborate on briefs.

Sales Enablement

Customize proposals, give sales managers instant access to creative and receive alerts when new items are available. Integrate IntelligenceBank Knowledge Management with your CRM.

Robust API

Integrate data and documents uploaded to IntelligenceBank with other systems, thanks to our push and pull, out of the box API.

Ready for better knowledge management?

Book a demo with one of our product experts